Friday, October 6, 2017

A Real Third Party

Not since the Whig Party in the 1840s has America really had a viable party besides Democrats and Republicans.  But as we've seen lately, both parties are being torn apart by radical fringe elements:  the Tea Party /Trump on the right and Bernie Sanders and the Socialists on the left.  So on Facebook one day I thought of the perfect third party:  the Middle Party!  Or maybe you could call it the Moderate Party.  Reasonable Party?  Compromise Party?

I mean even someone who's fairly liberal like me is getting sick of things the way they are.  As much as I'd support a socialist government, many Americans wouldn't.  I think what they'd rather do is go back to the 90s when things could still get done without one party just running over the other.

So my idea is that all the moderates from both parties just throw in together, break away from the Republican and Democratic Parties to create a third party, the aforementioned Middle Party.  The benefit for moderate Republicans (if they still exist) is they don't have to follow the ever-more-radical right wing agenda anymore.  For "Blue Dog" Democrats, they don't have to worry about catering to the Sanders followers anymore.  Everything would break out into Right, Middle, and Left instead of some Right and Left trying to balance all sides.

The only problem is:  where is the money going to come from?  A new party would have to find donors to keep it afloat--thanks Supreme Court!  Obviously some people can pass the hat with GoFundMe and so forth but I'm sure plenty of business and such will want to sponsor a candidate who isn't going to bring on socialistic reforms or isn't going to blunder us into World War III. 

Because at the end of the day I think what most people really want is a status quo.  Right or Left, they just want to go about their lives without too much hassle.  Which maybe is supposed to be what the Libertarian Party is about, but obviously no one really gives a shit about them.  And the thing is, since we're talking incumbents switching sides, it'd be a lot easier than trying to start up with all new candidates as the Libertarians, Green Party, etc do.  That gives you a head start with name recognition, which might help the funding problem take care of itself.

What do you think?


Christopher Dilloway said...

It would be nice...I am really tired to everyone trying to sat that it's black and white...yet most of us live somewhere in that vast gray area between the extremes and no one candidate or party is going to encompass the kinds of agenda items I would want to support.

Cindy said...

Not sure how it would ever happen even if they had the funding. However, it reminds me of marriage. You have to compromise if you're going to get along. People would have to accept that they can't always have their way, which sounds impossible.

There still seems to be moderate Republicans. If they were all tea party, Obama care would've been repealed by now. However, I haven't noticed any "blue dog" democrats these days. It's like they faded away. Either that or they keep a low profile. I think if Democrats hope to start winning again, they need to stop attacking Trump, especially this Russia thing. People want to know about jobs and how they can improve the economy. If the media really wanted to help them, they would change their focus.


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