Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Momentous Event

In the history of comic books, the "event" comic has a pretty long history.  The first major crossover event was the Battle of Fire and Water between the Human Torch (the original android one not the Johnny Storm one) and Namor the Sub-Mariner.  Mostly "events" would just be an issue or two until the 80s with DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths and Marvel's Secret Wars.  Since then they're pretty common since it's an easy way to make money with the main series and spin-offs and then you can have a whole new line of #1 issues after you reboot your universe!  Marvel pretty much has had one a year for the last 15 years, some of which you've heard the titles of like Age of Ultron and Civil War.

TV shows have gotten into the act in the last decade with crossovers.  Like when the CW has a story across all of its superhero shows.  Or NBC has a story that's supposed to crossover all its "Chicago" shows.  Or sometimes CBS would have the CSI or NCIS shows crossover with each other.

Though I don't write comic books or TV shows, I had an idea to do an event of my own.  Since I have three main author names--Eric Filler, Ivana Johnson, and P.T. Dilloway--I thought:  why not have all three screen names write a series of connected stories?

The thing is, I had to come up with something that could actually span three books.  Something where I'd be able to ramp things up.  Gradually it dawned on me what would work:  an outbreak!  An outbreak of a disease that causes men to turn into women and boys to turn into girls.  There have been stories like that before, though maybe not three-part stories.

I kept this idea in the back of my mind, but last November I finally decided to do it.  I had already come up with a rough idea for each of the stories.  The first story would introduce the disease.  The second would have it spreading.  And by the third it would have become widespread and there's some desperate Hail Mary to try to stop it.

Since Eric Filler is the bestselling of my three author personas, I figured he should lead things off.  The story I came up with then is called Infection.

It sort of follows an old horror movie-type formula:  there's a small town in Alabama where one night the sheriff is out on patrol and sees a truck overturned.  The truck has a trailer that's like the kind you use for cattle or horses but inside are the remains of people!  The sheriff opens the cab and is assaulted by a gorgeous woman in scrubs.  She basically tries to rape him, but he manages to fend her off, though in the process she gives him a hickey.

The sheriff starts to feel bad and so decides to go home and sleep it off.  The next morning he wakes up as a woman!  This of course freaks him out and his wife.  They come up with the story that he's an aunt to fool their young son.

As the sheriff is trying to figure things out, the next day he wakes up and he's even girlier, going from sort of a tomboy to more of the model type.  He's changing inside too, getting hornier.  When his wife rejects his advances, he starts going out on the town, which of course means it starts to spread.

For the most part it's a fairly standard Eric Filler gender swap story.  The idea is to get people's feet wet with something familiar.  There are some twists at the end to set up the next part of the series.  Which I'll talk about MAKING THE EXISTENTIAL REAL tomorrow!  (See, three books and three blog entries.  Whoa.)

Here's some bonus content!  I hadn't made any Sims for a while but I finally decided to make some for this series.  Here are the various forms of Sheriff Bobby/Roberta/Bobbi Guin:

For the covers I wanted to do something a little different than the usual kind I do.  I went through a few different versions before I decided on the final one.  I'm sure you'll like one of the others better.

The first version is like the usual sort of cover:

Then for the other version I tried a couple of different heads before I settled on the one I liked.  And I changed the position of the biohazard sign:
For the third one, not only does it fit but also while the lady looks hot she has sort of an evil Joker grin:

Check in for tomorrow's entry regarding the second book!

1 comment:

Arion said...

I love the idea! Events can be fun a lot of fun for the readers.


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