Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Vote With Your Dollars--And Your Reviews

Last week I got a very long email from an Eric Filler fan.  This person was going on with all these suggestions of what she wanted to see in stories.  I'm not going to elaborate on all of it, but it was mostly that she didn't want happy endings and wanted a lot more punishment in the stories.

The thing is, the large percentage of people who review my Eric Filler books have said they want the exact opposite, which is why I haven't been doing that as much.  Most of the books she liked were ones from 4-6 years ago, but do you think she actually reviewed any of them?  No.  If she had, maybe I would have been more inclined to keep writing books like that.

Business experts talk about the public "voting with its dollars" but sometimes raw dollars don't really tell you the full story.  With books, movies, and other creative properties, just because people buy something doesn't tell you that they actually liked it or what in particular they might have liked about it.  That's what you do with reviews.

In politics they say if you don't vote, you can't complain.  If you don't review books, you can't complain that they don't do what you want to do.  If you wait 4-6 years to contact the author about all the things you want, then time may pass you by because other proactive people have already beaten you to the punch.

1 comment:

Christopher Dilloway said...

Reminds me of the people who complain about "spoilers" for things that are years or even decades old...I can't help you didn't watch it already. Or the people that are posting on this Star Trek: Enterprise group I'm in...they're like: this show was so good, why did it only have four seasons? I never watched it at first but now I wish I had. Uh...dummy...it only had four seasons because people like you didn't watch at the time :(


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