Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Action Figures I Would Like: Lex Luthor Green Power Suit

I don't know when the first version of Lex Luthor's green power suit appeared in the comics, but it's had a few iterations in comics and animated movies.  It has yet to be seen in a live action movie, which would have been pretty awesome--even if Jesse Eisenberg were in it.  

Anyway, McFarlane is coming out in the next week or so with a new figure that it says is based on the New 52 version.  It looks pretty cool.

This is how it looked on the cover of Forever Evil in 2013:

There are some slight differences, but close enough.

They're also coming out with the blue power suit with a Superman-style S on it that was in the Rebirth comics like this:

I already have the Mattel Build-A-Figure one (except the cape) so I don't really care about that one.


Christopher Dilloway said...

the green one looks cool. if i see it and it looks good in person i might pick it up.

Cindy said...

He really does look forever evil in that suit. Superman beware. :)


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