Monday, March 21, 2022

Tales of the Scarlet Knight: The 10th Anniversary Bundle!

 While I thought of doing a 10th anniversary version of Where You Belong, I never really got around to doing it because I doubted I would change much of the manuscript and I didn't really have much I could put in a book because stuff like the old web page doesn't really work that well in an ebook or paperback.

I did decide to do something for the 10th anniversary of A Hero's Journey being published--not 10 years since it was written; it's actually been 13 years since the first draft was written.  I'm not sure about other genres but in erotica there are all these bundles that some pseudonyms throw together.  I tried doing a "mega bundle" of all my old Transformed gender swap stories but then Amazon held back calculating the rankings for like 3 days so hardly anyone ever saw them and so unlike all these other bundles that somehow jam up the bestseller list mine never got any traction.

Anyway, I decided to do a 10th Anniversary Bundle of the Tales of the Scarlet Knight series.  Unlike the old omnibuses that feature 5 books apiece (the first with episodes 1-3 and then two prequels) this has everything, including the Special Edition of A Hero's Journey that I released in 2020 to mass not giving a shit.

Since I was putting extra stuff in, I included the original version of Volume 2:  Time Enough to Say Goodbye, the 7 flash fiction story collection Mortal Sins, and the first appearance of Emma Earl in the short story Heart of a Hero.  It comes out to over 4100 pages!

If for some reason you never read the series, now is a great time to buy it because it's an incredible value at only $4.99!  Especially if you have Kindle Unlimited.  For obvious reasons it is only in Kindle format.  A paperback would probably have to be split into several parts and then what would be the point?  At some point I might take it off KDP Select to put it on B&N or Draft2Digital or something like that.

If for some reason you don't know what the series is about, it features Dr. Emma Earl, a young genius who goes to work for a natural history museum on the same day a weird old box is brought in.  The box turns out to be the housing for an evil spirit known as the Black Dragoon that tries to seduce Emma but when she resists, it finds a new host.  Emma then hears a call that leads her down to an old bomb shelter, where she finds a suit of red plate armor that gives her superpowers.  She then becomes the latest incarnation of the Scarlet Knight and has to battle the Black Dragoon.

The other books have Emma battle demons, an alien, a terrorist plot, a Russian gangster, and the evil goddess Isis.  She's joined by two old French witches, the ghost of Merlin's personal assistant, a guy who lives in the sewers and talks to rats, and a world-weary police detective.

If you want a superhero story that isn't grim & gritty or just blatantly ripping off Marvel or DC, then buy it today!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Congrats on the anniversary release. I agree that for e-book bundles a paperback bundle wouldn't work too well because the savings wouldn't be there. I have seen huge bundles priced at .99 cents. To me that is getting around the .99 cent rule on Amazon. Where a book has to be at least .99 cents. However, with a bundle you can even price it that low, which is really sad. Anyway, good luck with it.


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