Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Talking Bout My Generation

As today is my 46th birthday and there's a big election coming next year where we seem to have a Baby Boomer vs. a "Silent Generation"-er, I got to wondering:  where the hell are my leaders at?  

By all accounts, Generation X starts at 1965 and goes to roughly 1980.  That means my generation ranges from 58 to 43 years old.  So you'd think since we're in the 60-40 age bracket we'd be seeing more representation by now in big leadership positions.  But pretty much all the people in positions of power are Boomers or Silent Generation:  Biden, Trump, Bernie, McConnell, Pelosi, etc etc.  The closest Gen X has really had to a president is Obama and even he's a couple of years outside our generation.

The saddest thing is when they talk about Biden's age and saying he shouldn't run, I can't even think of anyone better who isn't also old.  My generation hasn't produced a JFK, an MLKJ, an RFK, an RBG, or even an LBJ.  The closest to a spiritual leader we probably had was Kurt Cobain, who died in 1994.

Unfortunately it seems the only Gen X candidates are on the Republican side like Ron DeSantis, who is a year younger than me.  Barf.  I'd really hate to think that dumbass is the voice of my generation.

I don't know how to explain why we aren't playing a bigger role in things now.  Is it that Boomers and Silent Genners have gummed things up too long?  Are Gen Xers just too cynical to create an inspiring movement?  Is it because politics takes so much money and not enough of us have the money to run for office?

It just seems like we should be taking over and yet there doesn't seem to be anyone looking for the job--at least no one good.  Not to say there aren't Gen X movers and shakers because obviously there are CEOs and celebrities and athletes and all that.  It's just thinking of the election next year it's all these frail, senile old bastards.  For the generation that pretty much invented "alternative" music, maybe we should be looking to create some alternative leadership.

Just don't look to me to do it. lol

1 comment:

Cindy said...

If only there were age limits for presidents, senators, governors, etc or at least cognitive tests. It does seem that usually only the rich and famous can run for president. A person with a large platform that can get the exposure. Someone who can afford or raise the money for the advertising. However, I think a Gen X will emerge someday.


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