Monday, August 1, 2016

Sims I Like: Megan the Goth Girl

This week's theme:  Goth girls!  This one is named Megan and comes from Transformed for Mother's Day Too.  The gist of the story is that a boy is angry at his mother for embarrassing him on a date with the girl of his dreams.  It's the day before Mother's Day and he basically says he could be a way better mom than her.  So on Mother's Day he wakes up as an adult woman and finds himself caring for a girl named Megan--a young version of his mom.

First Megan is only 5 years old.  Then after a few hours she jumps to 10 years old.  This Goth version is the final one--about 15, which is as old as the boy was when he changed.  The idea is she's a rebellious teenager who thinks her mom is an idiot--until she nearly gets raped by her "boyfriend" and her mom has to come to her rescue.  That's when the boy realizes how hard it is to be a mom.

I like the combination of the hair and outfit.  The hair and top are both black-and-purple, so they go together.  Plus she's got the 5-pointed-star collar, nose ring, a couple tats, black lipstick, and the trendy glasses.  She's totally awesome, albeit a pain in the butt if you're her mom.

1 comment:

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

It kind of reminds me of goth Felicity in Arrow.


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