Friday, April 6, 2018

A to Z Challenge Day 6: Flint vs Firefly

Flint came onto the scene for the second miniseries of the Sunbow cartoon show as basically the new mission commander for the JOEs.  After getting separated from some other Joes along with K-9 guy Mutt, he recruited Shipwreck to get him back to Joe headquarters.  From there Flint was in a lot of the first season of the Sunbow show.  In one episode he goes to visit some relatives and finds out their entire town is brainwashed by COBRA!  He was still around in the second season, though a little less with the various new characters introduced.  Him and Lady Jaye have kind of an on again-off again thing going.

He was in the comics too, probably quite a bit.  I think in the comics Flint's shirt was black like the toy, but in the show his shirt was usually green and his beret was gray.  Other than hair, Sunbow didn't seem to like using black for characters.

After the original version he was later the leader of the "Eco Warriors" who fought toxic disasters.  It was another of Hasbro's desperate ideas to stay relevant by trying to capitalize on Captain Planet and all that stuff.

In GI JOE Retaliation there's a character named Flint but he's not really like the original version.  I couldn't tell you anything he did; he was just kind of there.

Firefly was also in GI JOE Retaliation, played by Ray Stevenson, who was the Punisher in that War Zone movie that wasn't very good.  His costume in the movie was fairly close to the toy, which wasn't hard.  I mean it was gray fatigues and a gray ski mask.

He appeared a few times in the cartoon, especially early on, but he wasn't that big of a deal.  He didn't have a metal face or eye patch and wasn't a ninja so he was kind of at a disadvantage.  You got to have a gimmick!


Christopher Dilloway said...

speaking of Flint, there's a character in the third season of Transformers (and I believe also the IDW comics) named Marissa Faireborn and it is heavily implied Flint was her father (which I suppose presumes Lady Jaye is the mother).

Arion said...

Oh I think my brother actually had the eco warrior one


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