Wednesday, July 4, 2018

America is a Nation of Grumpy Bulldogs & That is the Problem

On this Independence Day, let me share a story with you overheard at work that perfectly summarizes America 2018:

One lady mentioned that there was an accident and someone died because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt.  And then she goes on to talk about how annoying it is that her car beeps a whole bunch of times until you put the seatbelt on.  But she outsmarts it by just outlasting it.  So every time you get in the car you'd rather have the car ding at you for ten minutes than just putting on your seatbelt?

So here are the facts:
  • Someone died because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt
  • Car's seatbelt warning is annoying
So, rationally, maybe you should put on your seatbelt?  Nah.

That's America 2018 in a nutsell:  disregard facts and common fucking sense because...I don't wanna.  I'd rather risk death (or serious injury) or getting a ticket and have the car ding obnoxious for 10 fucking minutes every single time I drive than put on my seatbelt.  What's the benefit?  Ooh the seatbelt is so restrictive and chafing...I'm a big fat guy and I barely notice the seatbelt.  And it literally takes 10 fucking seconds to put it on!

Stubborn defiance is what made America Great the first time.  The British wanted to tax stamps, tea, sugar, and all that so we said Fuck That and overthrew them--with a lot of help from the French.  But unfortunately stubborn defiance has also held us back.  It's why the South didn't get rid of slavery until the 1860s--and only by force.  And why the South maintained segregation until the 1960s--though in many ways there's still a lot of economic segregation there and in the rest of the country.  So yeah stubborn defiance can help us defeat Germany (twice) and survive a civil war and Great Depression, but it also causes its fair share of problems.

And in 2018--really way before that--we have this 30% of the population that refuses to believe that our president is a monstrous, wanna-be dictator.  Or that taking away children from their parents and locking them up (both children and parents) is wrong--so long as they're brown.  Or in many cases even that the goddamned Earth is round, despite all evidence to the contrary.

The latter goes back to the seatbelt story.  I mean you have these "flat Earthers" who choose to believe that there's some massive conspiracy between the government, science, and private enterprise rather than the far simpler idea that all these pictures and videos and books and everything might be right.  You can argue and show proof and they'll still say it's "fake news!" because...they don't wanna change.

Unfortunately social media has given all these kooks and crackpots a forum to wallow in their ignorance.  That's made them even more dangerous than before.  Also unfortunately too many of them are too proud of their ignorance to recognize the problems it has created.

In America 2018 we unfortunately have a lot of grumpy bulldogs who stubbornly cling to beliefs that are objectively proven untrue, many of which are dangerous or destructive.  And when those people are put in charge it degrades our entire country and the world at large--the objectively round not-quite-spherical world.

Happy Fucking Fourth of July!


Cindy said...

Most people will never admit when they're wrong or guilty. No, they don't like change. Some resist more than others. I guess that's being a grumpy bulldog. If only there was something to bring us together, rather than what's been going on.

Maurice Mitchell said...

The Internet tends to amplify poor thinking ability by making a community of wrong people. That way they can say “I’m not the only person who thinks that way”. Flat Earth believers are the best example of that since it’s easily disproven.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

All the Libertarians that I know absolutely hate being told what to do. That includes where to park, what the speed limit is, etc. I have a friend that gets livid/angry at GPS when it tells him to turn right or left. Seriously. "Don't f'ing tell me what to do!" It's disturbing.


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