Friday, October 29, 2021

Yup, That's NOT My Reader...

  A couple months ago I mentioned how in a book I read I found out how you can get Amazon to expand the categories from 2 to 10.  I tried it with a recent book, Swapnado, and now I think it backfired on me with this review:

This obviously isn't someone who has much experience reading my books.  I mean, whining about referring to the girls by male references is something that my books (and most gender swap books) do a lot.  It's not really that hard to follow:  in scenes where Cam is the POV character he thinks of himself as male and his friend Shawn as female.  And in scenes where Shawn in the POV character he thinks of himself as male and his friend Cam as female.  It's a reflection of their mental process.  I mean if you turned into the opposite sex you wouldn't instantly start thinking of yourself as that sex.

I think adding the book to the LGBT action/adventure category is probably why I have some asshat here whining there's a lack of adventure.  There's action in the beginning with the tornado then the middle is largely the two characters trying to adjust to their new lives, which is something that happens a lot with gender swap books--sometimes I've had people complain that there's not enough of that!--and then there's action at the end as they try to stop a second swapnado.

But what really irks me is that title, especially "not very creative."  Oh really?  Why don't you go read one of the dozens of other gender swapping tornado books then...oh, right, there aren't any others!  And maybe I could read some of your amazingly creative writing?  Oh, right, I can't because you don't give a name, just "Amazon Customer."  Ass.

Look, I get this isn't your thing and you didn't get it, but that's a you problem.  It's not a me problem.  I have literally done this hundreds of times before and most people don't have a problem with it--or at least don't say so--thus I have to conclude it is your problem.  But then you insult me and leave a bad review and take money out of my pocket to boot--then it makes it a me problem.  Unfortunately not one I can really do anything about.  Grrrr...

I'm not sure then if I should try expanding categories again if it means I'm going to get some moron stumbling across it and then dinging me with a bad review--and returning it so I don't even get any money!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

It does seem like a dilemma. Has expanding categories led to more sales? I'd probably leave it and see if a bad review happens again. We all get these kind of inaccurate reviews from readers who tend to not recognize a book isn't for them even when it's in the most accurate category possible. As for this review. It's like me reviewing a horror book when I don't like horror to begin with, but oh, I thought it was adventure until almost everyone got killed.


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