Monday, May 9, 2022

Meet the New Racism...Same As the Old Racism

 Especially recently, there's a new form of racism:  whining about anything that talks about racism!  It started with Florida banning "Critical Race Theory" in K-12 schools...despite that CRT is for the most part a specialized class for college students majoring in Law.  Other red states took up the cause, as did Fox "News" because there's no bullshit bogeyman they don't like.

And then it goes further with Texas and Tennessee and other red states wanting to ban teaching about the Holocaust and banning the graphic novel Maus, which naturally spurred people to buy that in droves, though probably that was mostly people in blue states where it won't matter.  Florida, not to be outdone, also passed a "Don't Say Gay" law where you basically can't talk about homosexuals in any way or you get put in the stocks--not really, but that seems not far off.  Then Texas, in this race to the bottom, decreed it would have Child Services investigate parents who encourage their kids to be transgender.  And Idaho said, "Hold my beer" by passing a law saying anyone who tried to give aid and comfort to transgender people could be charged with a felony--even if they do it in another state.

One day on my Facebook, this post appeared, despite that this is obviously not something I would be interested in.

To me the irony is that you have (mostly) white people whining about a book called White Fragility.  Hello, self-awareness?  What this post really is is about breaking the teacher's union, which of course is mostly pro-Democrat.  If you can use this to get fragile whites to try to opt out of the union, then that will decrease the union's power.

See where it says "No diverse viewpoints?"  That's what the new racism is.  It's something that trolls used on message boards like 15 years ago--if not longer.  They say something terrible about Obama or repost some terrible meme.  I say they're a racist.  They say, "No, you're the racist!  You hate whites!"  To which I say, "That's weird, because I AM white."  And then they say something like I'm a self-hating white or something stupid like that.  Blah, blah, blah.

By "diverse" viewpoints they mean that if you have a book complaining about white racism, you need some racist white screed too.  Because, sure, if you teach kids the light side you got to teach the dark side too, right?  They make this same argument with evolution vs Creationism where if you teach evolution you have to teach Creationism too!  It's only fair!  So we should probably then teach every creation myth that exists, right?  Right?  No?  Oh, right, we should only teach your mythology.  And then someone would say that you just want to teach your mythology--evolution--to which I would say that's not mythology, that's science.  And then they'd say "Nuh-uh" and make a bunch of bullshit arguments.  Blah, blah, blah.

Former NBC football reporter Michelle Trafoya whined on Fox "News" about CRT that she wants her kids to be "colorblind."  Well, no, making kids ignorant of slavery, the Civil War, the civil rights movement of the 50s-60s, and the Holocaust doesn't make them "colorblind;" it just makes them blind.  The idea is it's easier to persuade blind, ignorant young people to join racist causes than kids who might understand the history of racism and bigotry.  Only we wrap it up in a positive way by saying we want to protect kids.

Sadly, this tactic comes right out of Fascism 101.  In one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, the ghost of Adolf Hitler coaches Dennis Hopper on how to sway people to his fascist cause.  One of his tactics is this same sort of thing of turning arguments around.  "They say we're the minority?  I say we're the majority!  They say we're racist?  I say they're racist!"  So this definitely isn't anything new.

And then you get the Tony Laplumes who think they're being clever by running around shouting, "Both sides!  Both sides!" to try to muddle things even more.

I have pointed out a couple of times on Facebook where the left's "cancel culture" can go too far.  Like when the Houston bus authority for Black History Month put in seats dedicated to Rosa Parks and liberal morons were on Twitter saying, "What about Texas's voting rights law?  What about their abortion laws?"  Um, idiots, this is a bus authority in Houston; they have no control over what their stupid legislature and even dumber governor does.  The proper outrage would have been to say that all the money wasted on decorative seats could have been used to pay for low income people to ride the bus to jobs or grocery stores or doctors.

Another time was people were teeing off on Applebee's because CNN cut to an Applebee's ad during coverage on the war between Russia and Ukraine.  It's not Applebee's fault that CNN cuts to their ad.  Sure they bought ad time but they don't call CNN up and demand their ad get played right that second--presumably.  You can be outraged at CNN but why make fun of Applebee's for something that isn't their fault?  Instead of you looking smart or cool, doing shit like that makes you look like a fucking ignorant dumbass--just like Fox "News" viewers and QAnon morons.

That's really the thing here:  outrage culture on both sides usually targets things that don't matter or in most cases don't even make any sense.  There's a lot to be outraged about, but CRT and decorative seats are not really among them.  And trying to whitewash history to cancel outrage is in itself outrageous.  If that makes any sense.


Cindy said...

I can relate to parents not wanting certain subjects taught in grades K-3, which is what the bill says. What's wrong with waiting until they're older, so it's less confusing? It should just be common sense rather than a bill.

PT Dilloway said...

If you really think that's all that's going on here then I have a bridge to sell you.


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