Monday, September 4, 2023

Behind the Scenes of the Previous Entry

 Happy Labor Day!

In the last entry I wrote about how I thought Emma Earl and Peter Parker would be friends and wrote a story idea of how they could meet and go on a date.  Then at like 11pm the night before it posted I thought of using the Wombo AI to try to make a picture of it.  Here was the first thing it came up with:

The Spider-Man is good but the girl doesn't really look like Emma and she's not supposed to be wearing a Spidey costume.

Here's some other stuff:

The top one is pretty good but I don't really like the bottom one.

That's nice except it's supposed to have 2 people and why does she have 3 hands?

It's nice except the guy isn't supposed to have red hair

There's supposed to be 2 people at the table

What the heck is in her mouth?

Again there should be 2 people

It's supposed to be a guy and girl and the glasses look weird

It's OK but again there's supposed to be 2 people!

I finally went with this one because it was pretty close (though Peter's hair is too red) and it was getting late.

I mis-captioned it "My DINNER With Spider-Man" instead of "My DATE With Spider-Man" but whatever.

As always, dealing with these things can be pretty frustrating sometimes.  Getting it to understand concepts like there are two distinct people:  Spider-Man or a brown-haired man with glasses and a redheaded woman with glasses is really a hassle.  Instead of having just one box to type in I don't know why they don't have multiple boxes where you can put in all the qualifications to break it down better.  I mean it's just not that smart to interpret things.

Maybe Midjourney is better.  Or maybe I'm just not writing my prompts right.  Anyway, there you go, some bonus content.

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