Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Filler Faves: Only Human

This was another one of those stories where I tried something different and people didn't really go along with me.  Not that anyone said anything bad about it (one person on Amazon liked it) but the sales weren't all that great.  That's what I get for trying something new.

After doing my A to Z Challenge on Transformers I decided to do a gender swap story that was sort of based on the 3rd season episode "Only Human" where four Autobots are turned into humans when their bodies are stolen. 

Only in this case there are three "Justibots" who come to Earth looking for a crashed ship.  To blend in with the population they adopt human guises.  Inadvertently they each get stuck with a female disguise. 

To have some fun each of them gets a disguise that's inverse to their previous body.  So the youngest one gets the oldest body, though it's only a woman in her late 30s, not really old.  The smartest one gets the sluttiest body.  And the strongest one gets a 12-year-old's body. 

As they explore a small town in Arizona they learn about human culture and uncover a plot involving the crashed ship and a comrade of theirs.

As a Transformers fan I got to work in some references here and there and goof around a bit, which made it fun for me.  Though what's fun for me and what's fun for the reader are probably not the same because most of the readers are probably not really into Transformers.

Since the original characters were robots (or cybernetic organisms) it wasn't a traditional gender swap story.  But still pretty close. 

I was a little bummed it didn't sell because I had ideas for sequels.  The second story probably would have involved three bad guys coming to Earth and adopting female bodies of their own.  And that would have set up a big battle between good and evil in a third story.  But no money, no sequel.  Sad.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I guess they just couldn't go for transforming autobots. Perhaps the scifi element was too much for them. It does sound fun to write.


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