Monday, April 16, 2018

A to Z Challenge Day 14: Ninjas! Nunchuk vs Night Creeper

In the late 80s and early 90s, Hasbro was trying to keep the GI JOE line relevant with things like the Drug Enforcement Force and Eco Warriors.  And since ninjas were a big thing around then, they went all-in on the ninja thing.  So we have two ninjas.

I'm not sure who Nunchuk is.  I think he came along after the TV shows and after I stopped reading the comics and I don't think he really got remade after his initial release.  So not a huge impact.
His name is Ralph and he's from Brooklyn, so I'd bet they based his file card on Karate Kid.  That actually would be a great movie:  Karate Kid joins GI JOE!

Night Creeper is a weird name.  Sounds like he should be a serial killer who sneaks into houses at night to kill people.  But he's the COBRA generic ninja.  Their leader is, wait for it...Night Creeper Leader!  Whoa.  They look pretty badass for ninjas.

They at least briefly got into the DIC cartoon series.  In one episode Night Creeper Leader thinks he's a new pharaoh or some damned thing.  They probably appeared in the comics since they had lots of ninja stuff going on.  BTW, here's the appropriate song:

1 comment:

Maurice Mitchell said...

A Karate Kid/GI JOE crossover needs to happen. Night Creeper is a terrible name but an effectively creepy one


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