Monday, June 24, 2024

Deep Thoughts On Other Stuff

 This is just kind of a "potpourri" post where I just briefly mention a few things.

Usually there's one commercial that airs a lot that I don't like for whatever reason.  Then hopefully after a couple of months it gets retired and something new takes its place.  Anyway, the one I really can't stand right now is for Glidden paint.  A guy asks his "friends" if they'll help paint the house.  And then a black woman sings, "Wow you got a lot of balls..."  And not to sound like Captain America but my thought is, "Language!"  I mean this is airing at like 6:30am on my local Fox station.  And sure "balls" isn't exactly a cuss word but I don't think you want your kids saying it because they heard it in some lame commercial.

And the commercial is lame.  I mean this guy's "friends" sing this crappy song telling him and his partner to "do it yourself with Glidden" and then leave.  I guess the point is that Glidden paint is easy to use?  But it's still going to take a while if you have to do it yourself.  And more to the point, why were the friends there moving in furniture before they painted the place?  Wouldn't you want to paint first so the paint doesn't get on the furniture?  This basically doesn't work on any level and I hope it dies soon.  Also, I'm committed now to buying any other brand of paint.

Speaking of commercials there's a Miracle Gro ad with Martha Stewart that I don't really hate.  Really I just think it's a good metaphor for revival movies.  Because in the ad there's a younger guy digging the soil to put in the plants (which it's funny that they use Bonnie brand cups but blur the labels) while Martha just puts her hands in a bag of dirt to say how great it is.  So you have a relatively unknown younger guy doing all the hard work and the old, recognizable star doing almost nothing but lending her name and star power.  Isn't that how it is with revivals like Star Wars, Terminator, Scream, or Ghostbusters?  The younger, lesser known actors do the hard work and the old people just show up to contribute a little mostly so they can be included in the promotional materials. 

Still speaking of commercials there's this lame anti-Biden ad that starts out saying, "President Biden took a wrong turn..." and I always want to add "in Albuquerque" like the old Bugs Bunny cartoons.  Later in the ad it shows Michigan senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters.  In the picture is supposed to be the Capitol but it's blurred out like those Bonnie cups.  Why?  The Capitol is a public building, not a trademarked brand.  There should be plenty of public domain images.  The ad is about overturning a "ban" on new cars and at the bottom there's text saying it's sponsored by the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers.  Yeah, those guys don't have a dog in this fight.  They're just concerned citizens. lol

I follow critic/musician Jeff Tiedrich on Bluesky and he has basically made it his mission to destroy Donald Trump.  One thing he frequently mentions is Trump's nonsensical rambles during speeches.  Like one time he was ranting about sharks and electric batteries.  Or another time he made up some bullshit story about taking to tall, handsome pilots who told him about UFOs.  Beyond that are times Trump will just lose his train of thought or how he frequently gets names wrong and so on.  And it's not just Tiedrich noticing this; I read an article by a psychologist noting all the serious signs of dementia that Trump has.

And yet whenever the lamestream media covers a Trump rally or other speech, we only see a clip or two of his lucid moments.  Why do they not make this a major story?  I mean one of the main political parties nominee for president clearly has a few screws loose.  Why do they continue to enable him?  You'd think it'd be a huge story and yet it's been swept under the rug for most of 9 years.  But then this is also the lamestream media that has constantly downplayed Covid when with every other disaster--except Trump--they love to amp up the coverage to make people scared.  It goes to show just how corrupt and pathetic lamestream media from local papers to NPR to The New York Times and Washington Post are thanks to billionaires and corporations controlling most of the media.

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