Friday, July 5, 2024

Switching To Low Power Mode

How was your Fourth?  Lots of noisy fireworks to scare the dogs?  And over/under-cooked hamburgers and hot dogs from the grill?

Anyway, it's funny how because I do A to Z entries far in advance for months (if not a year) I'll have this stockpile of entries in my post list.  Eventually I'll start writing some entries to go after the Challenge too.  But then the Challenge comes and goes and that stockpile dwindles, so unless I've done the next year's A to Z, I start to have to scramble for more entries.

This year I haven't really done that as much.  I sort of got up to mid-June and the batteries just started running down.  I managed to do some fairly short entries but it's been more of a struggle.  At this point as the title says, I'm just going to low power mode.  I'll still have entries sometimes but not 3 days a week.  For...however long.

I might worry people would find it harder to know when there's an entry but I've had basically the same schedule for 9 years and no one gives a shit.  There just doesn't seem to be much point wasting my time anymore for 10-15 views and 0 comments.  So, yeah, I'm pointing the finger at YOU.  I'm throwing YOU under the bus.  "I'm busy..." or whatever your excuse is.  Yeah, yeah.  TS.  Cry me a river.  If you're mad, what are you gonna do:  not read the entries and not comment?  That ain't much of a threat at this point.

I've tried to be entertaining and informative and stuff, but people just don't care.  Case in point, I had the brainstorm to let people pick next year's A to Z entries with a helpful form on Google.  Buuuuut of course only 3 people (besides me) did it.  That leaves too many ties and such, so fuck that idea.

Anyway, I'm tired and grumpy so maybe I'm lashing out.  The point is, there will be fewer entries.  Though still one on Monday.  And at least one other one.  After that, whatever.

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