Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Some Wholesome Content

On Bluesky I follow an account called "Discontinued Foods" that's pretty neat because it shows a lot of old food products and fast food items from as far back as the 60s to the near-present.  Some of the stuff I remember and some of it either I was too young or I just never tried it.

One day he posted one of those translucent pebbly cups you'd get at restaurants back in the day and it began a discussion of old-school family restaurants you might remember from back in the 60s-80s before chains took over everything.  The kind of place your family might go to when they're feeling fancier than just going to McDonald's after church or some group event.

In Michigan we still sorta have places like that with "Coney Islands" that are maybe more like diners but a lot of the attributes are the same.  Maybe there are a few Big Boys or Ram's Horns that were more like that only they were technically chains.

(And this is where someone pops up saying, "I don't remember anything like that."  And I have some un-wholesome ideas of where you can stuff a useless comment like that.)

I copied as much as I could onto this slide, but Bluesky kinda sucks at threading so I missed a few.  My main suggestion was at the register you should have off-brand fun-size peppermint patties (like the York ones) for 5-25 cents and of course individually-wrapped toothpicks to get anything out of your teeth or just to suck the fake minty flavor off of.

Anyway, maybe you remember a place like that and have some suggestions for it.  I think it'd be kind of neat to actually build a place like that; it'd be a lot more real than those fake 50s diners and such.

And did you know you can buy those cups on Amazon?  Probably other places too.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think those cups are still used in places like Golden Corral. We have a few independent restaurants in town and of course, they are the best ones.

Christopher Dilloway said...

I still have a couple of those old Ponderosa wooden chairs from eons ago. I think that's what I associate most with those cups is Pondo...and Pizza Hut for red ones

Cindy said...

I see those candy machines around still, but only in family owned restaurants. My kids always wanted a quarter. Also, I do remember those cups.

C. D. Gallant-King said...

I remember those cups well, and we still have those candy machines everywhere. My family always went to random diners at gas stations on the highway 😁

Maurice Mitchell said...

I remember those old translucent pebbly cups so well! I never thought of it as a nostalgia piece until now. They were EVERYWHERE! I may have to follow that account now


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