Friday, June 15, 2018

Why Is It So Hard to Leave Feedback?

I'm not talking about book reviews--though this also applies to that.  I'm talking about EBay.  I've been selling stuff periodically on EBay for a few years now.  I've made about thirty sales I'd say.  Yet I've only gotten feedback from maybe a third of buyers.  Most of the feedback I have on my account is still from people I've bought from.

It's kind of frustrating because when you're selling on EBay, more positive feedback provides more credibility.  Yet because people are too lazy to provide feedback, my account still looks like a newb's.  I wouldn't be surprised if that hurts me when I'm trying to sell something.

And it's not that I'm doing a bad job.  I ship things out pretty much the next day.  I often lose money on shipping so I'm not overcharging people for that.  I think generally I provide enough protection that the item arrives in good shape.  So why can't these jackasses leave some feedback?

Unlike Amazon, EBay even sends reminders to leave feedback.  And it's just common courtesy.  I do it usually after I receive an item or once I've received payment for an item.  I'm doing my part.  Why can't other people do theirs?  Do they not realize how fucking important it is?

And yes, most of this also applies to books.  Reviews (good ones) are so important and it takes so little effort on Amazon or Goodreads, but people can't even do that!  Why are so many people so lazy?  Ugh, it's so annoying.

I guess this is a country where 20% is considered "good turnout" for an election.  Unless it's a reality  TV show it seems impossible to get people off their asses to do anything.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Even if someone does leave a good review on Amazon. Amazon might end up taking it off. Between all my books, I've lost about 10 good reviews from random people that I don't even know.


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