Monday, March 2, 2020

Bernie's Path to the Nomination is the Same as Trump's in 2016

I don't really do a lot of political posts anymore because talking about politics on the Internet really never accomplishes anything with most people.  Unless it's posting fake news.

Anyway, I've been a Bernie supporter since 2015 and I haven't wavered much in all that time because so far the establishment hasn't brought out a candidate who's any better.  And that's exactly what could lead to Bernie getting the nomination.  Ironically it's similar to how Trump got the nomination in 2016.

Of course the narrative people want us to believe is that popular support swept Trump into office from start-to-finish.  But really the problem was that in 2015 the Republican establishment had the same problem as the Democrat establishment has now:  they couldn't decide who to run.  There were like 20 Republican candidates, many of whom stayed in it much too long.  That split the establishment vote 20 different ways while Trump, the outsider, had his core base that outnumbered the individual establishment candidates.  Had there only been 1 establishment candidate like Democrats in 2016, it's unlikely that the outsider candidate could have won.

Now we see the same thing with Democrats.  They started with like 20 other candidates and there are still like 8 or so establishment candidates:  Biden, Buttieg, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Warren...and a few others too still hanging around.  Whereas Bernie, the outsider, has his core group of supporters--like me.  So while the establishment is splitting the vote a bunch of ways, Bernie is able to come out on top.

That's what has the DNC shitting its pants.  And it has "liberal" commentators saying that some of these candidates need to fold.  They probably also realize what happened in 2016 for Republicans could happen in 2020 for Democrats.  And wouldn't that just be terrible?  For the establishment, certainly.

Anyway, I'm not a "Bernie Bro."  I'm more of a "Never Trump"er.  If the establishment screws Bernie again I'm still not staying home or voting for Trump.  But there are still people who probably will.  The idea that an establishment candidate is "safe" didn't really work in 2016 and I'm not sure it'll work in 2020 either.

UPDATE: Buttieg's sudden departure is a signal the establishment is circling the wagons.
UPDATE UPDATE:  Now Klobuchar is out too and giving her delegates to Biden.  Hurm, what a coincidence...

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