Friday, March 6, 2020

The Rarest of Rare Events

What's the rarest event in the world?  A solar eclipse?  A blue moon?  The Lions winning a playoff game?  OK, maybe the last one, but also:  me actually being right about something!

Way back on July 27, 2018 I posted an article called, "Hasbro's Distribution is Stuck in the 80s."  It was about how hard it was to find Transformers in stores and online at retail prices.  Which is still largely an issue, though maybe not quite as bad as it was 18 months ago.

Anyway, when I was watching Toy Galaxy videos on YouTube, one of them was the host talking about many of the same things I was.  And then on Facebook I saw my brother reply to an article by Retroblasting that was also saying pretty much the same things I was back in 2018.

And that is that the toy distribution system is broken.  Especially since toy store chains were driven out of business (thanks Bain Capital), retail distribution has become a mess.  Some items you might never find on shelves.  Hell, if it's like my local Walmarts, 80% of the time most of the shelves will be empty, probably while product is rotting in the back.  Then you have scalpers who snap up product when it does come out so they can mark it up online.  Meanwhile, companies are doing a poor job making their products available online at normal prices.  Store websites are just as lousy since they don't usually have stuff to buy online and can't tell you where you can actually find it with any accuracy.

And then you have these "Exclusives" to stores like Walgreen's.  I mean, a pharmacy?  When I was in Petoskey a couple of years ago, a Rite Aid there was still selling a toy from 2009's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, so pharmacies are not well-known for having the latest, greatest merchandise.

Anyway, my point here is that people who actually know a lot more about this shit are saying the same things I was.  Which means I am undeniably right.  So there.  Mark it on the calendar because who knows when (or if) it'll happen again?

I just wanted my Phantom Readers to realize that not everything I post is just me talking out of my ass.  Sometimes I actually know what I'm talking about--even if I don't really realize it at the time.  Every squirrel finds a nut sometime.

Now you know--and knowing is half the battle!


Christopher Dilloway said...

you know what they say about blind squirrels and broken clocks lol.

Their terrible distribution system is highlighted right now with the Earthrise stuff...some Targets have had them for a while; I've only ever seen like four of the figures locally. Walmart is just now starting to get them...but all the stores around here are still clogged with the stuff from that 35th anniversary rack. Now people are reporting that Best Buy is getting more ER stuff than Target and Walmart...BEST fucking BUY...because when I think of toy shopping, I think of Best Buy.

There's a lot of talk that kids these days don't buy action figures and play with them like my generation did...and who could blame can't find them, when you do find them, it's the same old crap that's been there for months, and who, as a kid, is going to convince their parents to run them to Walgreens, Dollar Tree, Best Buy, and Rite Aid just to hunt toys.

PT Dilloway said...

In a way I get putting toys in Best Buy and pharmacies as Eartrise, Marvel Legends, Star Wars Black series, etc are aimed more for adults and adults might be at the pharmacy or cell phone store more than the Walmart or Target toy aisle. Still, the easiest solution is working with Amazon to get the shit online. I mean why is it that Hoist is still on preorder on Amazon when I can buy him at Walmart?

Arion said...

You're right about a lot of things! And I've said that before !


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