Monday, January 2, 2023

Superheroes Anonymous Is A Superhero Story For People Who Don't Like Superheroes

Superheroes AnonymousSuperheroes Anonymous by Lexie Dunne
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

"Superheroes Anonymous" sounds like it should be about a support group for superheroes--or those affected by superheroes--but there's nothing like that involved. Most of the first half of the book is about Gail Godwin, called "Hostage Girl" because she gets held hostage a lot because people think she's the girlfriend of "Blaze," a powerful superhero. This reminded me of "After the Golden Age" by Carrie Vaughn, only the woman in that got captured a lot because her parents were superheroes. Similarly I think it was first person and involved a lot of whining that sort of put me off it.

Then in sort of a reverse Deadpool, Gail is injected with a super-serum that gives her cancer, but her new superpowers let her heal quickly--and get super senses, reflexes, and maybe some added strength--so long as she basically eats all the time. And there was a lot more whining about that and her training and everything.

And then there's no real payoff. I mean at the end she doesn't really have a handle on her powers, she doesn't have a costume, and she doesn't have a superhero name. I'm not sure if the author has even read many comics or watched any movies, but this isn't how you do an origin story.

On top of that, the book has a few typos and missing words and such. It could have used a good proofreader. I've read self-published books (like my own) that have fewer errors.

That is all.

View all my reviews


Arion said...

I guess someone wasn't paying attention and that's why the final book had all those typos !

Cindy said...

That would be an interesting title for a different book.


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