Sunday, January 13, 2013

Box Office Blitz: Week 1 Scores

So according to IMDB, the results are:
  1. Zero Dark Thirty $24M
  2. A Haunted House $18.8M
  3. Gangster Squad $16.7M

Here were my picks:
  1. Zero Dark Thirty $21M
  2. Django Unchained $15M
  3. Gangster Squad $12M
I get 50 points for guessing Zero Dark 30, another 50 for guessing it was #1.  Plus another 100 points for guessing Gangster Squad would be in the top three and come in at #3.

My score:  200 points

Rusty Carl's Picks:
  1. Zero Dark Thirty - $28 mil
  2. Gangster Squad - $19 mil
  3. Django Unchained - $16 mil 
Rusty gets 100 points for guessing Zero Dark 30 and guessing it would be #1 and 50 points for guessing Gangster Squad would place in the top 3.

Rusty Carl:  150 points

Michael Offutt's Picks:
1.  Zero Dark Thirty - $30 million

He gets 100 points for guessing Zero Dark 30 and the bonus for it being #1.

Maurice Mitchell's Picks:

1. Django Unchained $30M
2. Lincoln $10 mil
3. Zero Dark Thirty $6

Maurice gets 50 points for guessing Zero Dark 30 would be in the top 3, but no bonus points because he picked it as #3.

Andrew Leon:
1.  Zero Dark Thirty

Like Michael Offutt he gets 100 points

Stephen Hayes' Picks:

  1. Zero Dark Thirty $35 M
  2. Gangster Squad $26 M
  3. Django Unchained $15 M
 Like Rusty he gets 150 points, 100 for Zero Dark 30 and 50 for Gangster Squad.

Tony Laplume's Picks:

  1. Gangster Squad
  2. Zero Dark Thirty
  3. Django Unchained
 Tony picked two of the top 3 but in the wrong order so he gets 100 points.

I WIN!!!  That means I get 500 bonus points for this round, which puts me comfortably in first.

To summarize, the scoreboard looks like this:

PT Dilloway:  700 points
Rusty Carl:  150 points
Stephen Hayes:  150 points
Michael Offutt:  100 points
Andrew Leon:  100 points
Tony Laplume:  100 points
Maurice Mitchell:  50 points

There is of course still plenty of time to make up ground!

Tomorrow you can lick your wounds with a Comic Captions...


Lowandslow said...

I think I need to get out more. :(


stephen Hayes said...

I'm surprised and pleased that I came in third. Hmnn....

dolorah said...

Can't imagine Haunted House coming in 2nd - especially above Gangster Squad and Django. I like your picks.


Rusty Carl said...

I question your point tallys - but congrats!

Tony Laplume said...

I thought Gangster Squad would do better. And because I based my guesses on what you listed rather than what was being released, I completely spaced on Haunted House. Peoplez love their horror movies, for some reason especially n January...


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