Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Can Even the Grumpy Bulldog Save a Flash Movie?

About 2 weeks ago I got my copy of Justice League on Blu-Ray and I watched it again.  I still think some of the negativity is unwarranted.  It's not a great movie but it's not a bad movie.  Like Fantastic Four (2015) it seems negative hype got a little overblown.  Maybe Disney hired Cambridge Analytica to plant fake news or something.

Anyway, I got thinking about a potential Flash solo movie.  The current plan is a Flashpoint movie, which is completely asinine.  You have a character with maybe an hour screen time in 3 movies (JL, Suicide Squad, and BvS) and you're going to do a reboot movie?  You haven't even established the universe and you're rebooting it?  You've barely even established the Flash's powers and he's going to be time traveling?  Da fuck?  It makes no sense except Geoff Johns wants to use one of his major Flash stories with a well-known title to attract fans.  I mean I liked the story in the comics but it's not the right time for it.  You do a movie or two and then go with that.

As I am wont to do, (see Star Wars, Wonder Woman, Logan, and Batgirl) I decided to try coming up with my own idea.  The thing that stymied me is that JL uses the Flash pretty much as a kid sidekick.  In his own words, all he'd done before JL was push people and run.  For some reason in JL, Avengers 2, and the last two X-Men movies speedsters are used as comic relief.  I'm not sure why that is.  Maybe it's that super speed is hard to show on the screen.

So the problem is: how do you make a solo movie with a second banana?  Or third banana maybe.  My thinking is that obviously what you have to do is focus on the young sidekick becoming a hero.  And to do that you need a mentor.  Preferably someone who has super speed.  I mean what can Batman teach the Flash about his powers?  I guess you could use someone like Max Mercury or whoever, but I think the original Flash, Jay Garrick, would be a good choice.

Anyway, I got thinking about the whole Speed Force thing and that made me think of something that's a cross between season 2 of the TV show and a plot that's been used the last 5 years or so in Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, and Superman comics at least.

In a prologue we have a speedster who's from another Earth.  Not one of the important speedsters.  Doesn't even need a name or anything.  Basically he or she is just running around doing super speed stuff when all the sudden a monstrous shape attacks him or her.  Despite his or her best efforts, the monster kills him or her and like a vampire absorbs his or her speed.  Then it disappears in a flash--pun intended.  And then you could bring up the title:  The Flash:  Speed Force.

Meanwhile Barry is starting his job for the police force and meeting Iris or whoever and so on and so forth.  That night we got to the house of Jay Garrick, who's in his 60s or so and has long retired from superheroing.  Not that anyone really knew about him.  He's just watching TV or something when the power goes out.  Then the monstrous shape appears!  The monster tries to get him but Jay still has speed, just not as much maybe.  They start a chase around the city that's knocking out power and showering lightning around, eventually drawing Barry's attention.  He gets in costume and rushes out to get to the bottom of it.

The monster has nearly caught Jay, but Barry arrives in time to grab him and retreat.  In some remote place, Jay reveals that he gained super speed back in the 60s or 70s and fought crime and all that noise.  He doesn't know who or what the monster is, though.  But he agrees to help Barry stop the thing.

Meanwhile there's more personal stuff with Barry and his dad and Iris and whatever.  The monster licks its wounds and then goes after another speedster on another Earth.  Jesse Quick?  Wally West (white or black version)?  Bart Allen?  Savitar?  Godspeed?  I dunno.  Whoever.  Probably someone who can die, though, so I guess not too major.

Jay does his Jedi Master bit, teaching Barry more about his speed and things he can do with it and whining like a bitch.  Eventually he learns how to really tap into the Speed Force.  It's like a whole other dimension or plane of existence or whatnot that's only accessible by those with super speed.  And maybe he meets some of the others there.

Later the monster returns and Barry tries to confront it, but even with his training he's losing.  Before the monster can kill him, another speedster shows up to help Barry.  The guy has a yellow costume like Barry's and claims to be from the 25th Century.  Where he comes from Barry Allen is a legend and so he wanted to be just like him--or so he says.  Though Jay is skeptical of the guy, he seems to be pretty helpful.  He says the monster is known only as Zoom and it's determined to have all the super speed in the universe--all universes.

Later, while Barry is off with Iris or whoever, the helpful stranger in yellow is confronted by Zoom.  It's going to take his speed, but the stranger offers to help Zoom get Barry Allen in exchange for two things:  he keeps his speed and he gets to kill Barry.  Jay has been spying on them and goes to warn Barry, but Zoom catches up to him and with the stranger's help kills him.

The next day on his job Barry is brought to the crime scene where he finds Jay's body.  He's distraught and talks to Iris or whoever about it and so on.  That night when he's in costume running around, Jay's spirit appears to lead him into the Speed Force.  Jay's still alive there in spirit.  He delivers his warning about the guy in yellow--the Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom or whatever the hell he's called these days.  And also that in order to defeat Zoom Barry can't do it alone.  They're going to need as many speedsters as they can get!  (Or our budget can afford.)

So Barry goes to a couple of alternate Earths to recruit Wally or Jessie or Bart or whoever.  Then we have a battle royale in the Speed Force!  Barry and TBD speedsters vs Zoom and Reverse Flash!  During the fight Zoom reveals that he's...someone.  Evil Jay from another dimension?  Evil Barry from another dimension?  Barry's dad or mom from another dimension?  Iris from another dimension?  Grant Gustin?  Deadpool?  I don't know.  Anyone who votes on that can have part of the nonexistent money I'll get from DC/WB for this.

Eventually Zoom is defeated.  As for Reverse Flash, Barry has him cornered.  Reverse Flash then reveals he killed Barry's mother.  Barry is stunned just long enough for Reverse Flash to escape.

Then we wrap up with Barry thinking about his mom and talking to his dad, Iris (or whoever), Jay, and whatever.  Maybe one of the other speedsters like Wally or Bart sticks around.  And Barry starts thinking that he needs to capture Reverse Flash and find a way to save his mom.

(Ominous music...cue the credits!)

Again, this wasn't really that hard Seth Graeme-Smith and all the other people who've dropped the ball.  Jeez, do I have to do all the thinking around here?

1 comment:

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I really like this story plot. If anything, they should use it for an entire season of the tv show. Too bad you don't have any fame, because otherwise someone might take a look at it and adopt it.


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