Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Amazon Massacre

About 10 days ago I talked Amazon pulling a book because of some stupid issue with the cover.  Well, that was nothing compared to Monday.  I got an email that they had pulled a couple more books for the same stupid shit.  But that was just the tip of the iceberg.  They had blocked about 35 books!  And they were all age regression books.  Like I said on Facebook it was like Thanos snapping his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet.  Just, poof, half of my books are gone!  OK, not half but a fucking lot of them.  Like this one:

And for what?  I mean are they trying to say that you can't have kids on book covers now?  Since when?  And if you're going to do that to my books, you're going to do that to every big publisher book cover with a kid on it, right?  Right?  Ha, yeah right.  The stupid thing is they even blocked a book where I used an image from THEIR cover creator gallery.  I can't even use Amazon's pictures now?  WTF?

The thing is, for the umpteenth time, these aren't erotica stories.  There's no sex with minors or involving minors in any way.  A couple maybe there's sex between adults before a dude changes.  And in some there's some kissing between minor characters.  Still, no real sexual situations involving the minors.  And they aren't listed under erotica.  So why does Amazon keep harassing me about this?  And it's not like they actually read the books to see what's in them.

The annoying thing is they put them all to "Blocked" so I had to completely reload 35 fucking books.  That meant I had to put all the titles in fresh and copy and paste the descriptions from my Planet 99 Publishing website.  And then change all the covers.

Since Amazon wants to act like these are porno mags, I covered them like porno mags in a convenience store:

So suck on that, Amazon.  Sucks though all the time and money I wasted making good covers.  Maybe I should have illogically put adults on them like some people do.

If you're a glass is half full type, having to reload some of the old books I updated the end matter and the newsletter ad.  Plus I moved the table of contents to the front, so they can't flag my books for that either.  So that's something.  Not much, but something.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Adults on the cover might not make much sense, but it might be better than wrinkled paper?


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