Monday, November 22, 2021

My Birthday Gift to Me: A Theme to Complete the Year

 Today is my birthday.  The big double-four.  That is if I'm still alive because I'm writing this in October, so you know, maybe I didn't make it.  That never stops the Internet from celebrating a birthday, even if someone has been dead for decades.  I always find that ridiculous.

In real life if I am alive I probably won't do much to celebrate.  On my blog, I'm celebrating by announcing the theme to close out the year.

Last year I did Action Figures I Like, featuring some of my cool action figures.  Then at the start of the year I did Action Figures I Don't Like to feature some of the ones that gave me buyer's remorse.

This year I thought about a different twist.  Since it is the holiday shopping season, why not do...Action Figures I Would Like!  As in would like to own.  Some are probably not coming out until next year or some are maybe too expensive or I just haven't gotten around to buying.

This one coming out shortly is at the top of my Amazon wishlist:

I'm not a big fan of Batgirl comics but because she inspired the look of Emma Earl, I have a soft spot for her.  So I already have a couple of figures.  One is the purple Burnside costume that I mentioned last year.  One is an older set that has her black costume and came in a two-pack with paralyzed Barbara Gordon, aka Oracle.

I didn't like the first McFarlane Batgirl figure because it was the lame costume that came out after the Burnside one.  The gray suit and blue cape is cool but the mask is tiny and there's no cowl so there's nothing to hide her identity.  It makes no sense, so I rejected it.

This one I haven't read the comics but it looks cool because it's like the black suit from the New 52 and prior years, only a dark gray.  There's an actual cowl to hide her identity too.  The Bat-symbol boots are kind of neat too.

As soon as I saw that, I put it on my list.  Maybe I'll get it.  Maybe I'll never get it.  But whatever.

More to come!


Cindy said...

Hope you enjoyed your Birthday. I don't do much on mine either, but I do take the day off.

Arion said...

Good gift and I hope you had a nice birthday.
Here we had a few Thanksgiving activities !


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