Monday, February 17, 2020

Ranking Presidents

It's President's Day and if I'm ranking stuff, why not rank presidents?

I'm not sure I can really rank all of them.  I mean some of them were pretty forgettable.  Some like Garfield and William Henry Harrison were barely in office before they died.

Worst:  These are the dumbest and/or most corrupt presidents in American History
  1. Trump (How much time do you have?)
  2. Nixon (Watergate)
  3. Harding (Teapot Dome)
  4. Jackson (Trail of Tears, destroyed banking system)
  5. W Bush (Iraq, economic meltdown)
  6. Reagan (anti-union, anti-social programs, anti-regulation helped put us where we are now) 
  7. Hayes (corrupt bargain to take power ended Reconstruction)
  8. A. Johnson (I probably wouldn't have added him until I read a thread on Twitter about what an absolute Trump-like racist moron he was, which helped derail Reconstruction in the South)
  9. Hoover (mishandled the Depression)
  10. Grant (administration was filled with corruption)
Best:  These are the ones who held our country together, moved it forward, and/or broke barriers.  Most of them you can say bad things about them, but no president is perfect; they are human after all.
  1. Lincoln (Kept the union together, freed slaves)
  2. Washington (Set good precedents, kept the fragile nation together)
  3. FDR (New Deal, WWII)
  4. T. Roosevelt (Created national parks, regulated industries, broke up monopolies)
  5. Jefferson (Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the country)
  6. LBJ (Mishandled Vietnam but also passed Medicare/Medicaid, civil rights law) 
  7. JFK (Laid the foundation for the Great Society, civil rights law, and going to the moon)
  8. Obama (Obamacare, economic recovery, killing bin Laden)
  9. Wilson (Eventually won WWI and if not for a debilitating stroke his League of Nations might have spared us from Hitler/WWII)
  10. Truman (Finished WWII and programs helped Europe rebuild)
*Honorable Mention 1:  On a History Channel show (when they talked about history) some experts talked about how Chester A Arthur was an important president because he fought the corruption that ironically helped him become president and also modernized the Navy.  Not bad for a guy named Chester.

*Honorable Mention 2:  I was really tempted to put Eisenhower in there because he gave us the modern highway system

Most of them in the 1800s aren't really worst or best because at that time the American presidency wasn't what it was today.  Most of that time the president didn't really have a lot of power to actually do anything, thus they didn't make a huge impact.  Even Founders like John Adams and James Madison didn't necessarily do a whole lot, unless you count surviving the War of 1812.

Just for fun, how many presidents can I name without looking them up?  And can I get the order right?

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. JQ Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. Van Buren
  9. Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Buchanan? (Fillmore)
  14. ? (Pierce)
  15. Pierce? (Buchanan)
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland?
  23. ? (Benjamin Harrison)
  24. Cleveland (again)
  25. McKinley
  26. T Roosevelt
  27. Taft
  28. Wilson
  29. Harding
  30. Coolidge
  31. Hoover
  32. F Roosevelt
  33. Truman
  34. Ike
  35. JFK
  36. LBJ
  37. Nixon
  38. Ford
  39. Carter
  40. Reagan
  41. GH Bush
  42. Clinton
  43. W Bush
  44. Obama
  45. Orange Dipshit

Hey I got most of them!  It's just a couple points in the 19th Century that I get muddled because those guys were fucking useless.  I don't know why I forgot Millard Fillmore.  I mean Millard Fillmore--what a terrible name!  I should have put him on my list just for that shitty name.

1 comment:

Arion said...

Good ranking, I don't know as much American history as you do, so this was quite educational for me !


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