Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Worst Movie Ever Shows The Danger Of Too Much Digital

 There's a new leader in the clubhouse for "Worst Movie Ever Made."  Forget Plan 9 From Outer Space, Creeping Terror, Eegah, Things, Birdemic, or many, many others.  Last month Rifftrax finally released a riff of The Amazing Bulk and it instantly rose to the top of the chart for me.

As you'd expect, The Amazing Bulk is a ripoff of The Incredible Hulk.  It was made in 2008 when the MCU movie came out, but it wasn't actually released until 2012 according to IMDB.  Besides not very good actors, the movie features an overreliance on virtual sets and really awful computer effects.  Imagine if Sin City or Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow had used backgrounds that looked like they were from an early 90s PC game.  And used digital props like cars with no steering wheels that look like they were drawn in MS Paint.

And then there's "the Bulk" that's a weird naked purple dude.  And yes the movie shows his ass and wang.  Closeups of his hands literally use toy Hulk hands that were painted purple.

Even the pug in the bad guy's incredibly fake castle lair is animated!  They couldn't find a real dog?!  Or a real rat for the laboratory scenes; I kept waiting for it to say, "Rattrap, Maximize!"  Which would have made for a much better movie.

The silly thing is a lot of this wasn't so out-of-this-world that it needed to lean so heavily on computer backgrounds--especially these computer backgrounds.  I mean a lot of it takes place in alleys, a science lab, and an apartment.  They couldn't find an alley in Los Angeles to film in?  Or a middle school lab that wasn't being used?  Or even the director's apartment or something for the main character's apartment?  

I guess they wanted to save money by using the crappy backgrounds and effects.  But it just looks so crappy and fake.  Ridiculously so.

With all this "AI" stuff going around, there is of course going to be the temptation for would-be filmmakers to use it to create everything from backgrounds to cars to actors.  But one look at Amazing Bulk is why maybe you should take it easy on that stuff.  If you don't have the money to really do it right, it's probably going to look laughably bad.

The same probably already applies to a lot of "AI" generated books.  Just because something is cheap and easy to do, doesn't make it better or even a good idea.

I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I haven't watched it yet but I saw the preview on Patreon. Why they didn't use real places and items is beyond me.


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