Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Action Figures I Would Like: Alfred Pennyworth

 This is another that's been on my list for a while.  I wish stores had actually carried the Mattel DC Multiverse so maybe I could have seen it in the store to get for regular price.  On Amazon and such it's always been overpriced--and more so every day.

I like how he has the different heads to represent different versions of the character over the years: a normal comic book one, the Batman '66 one, and the 1989 movie one. I'm not sure what that white face is.  I have the Batman '66 figure McFarlane released recently so that Alfred would go pretty well with him.  I'd like a Batman '89 one if they'd make one for a reasonable price.  

Anyway, I have Batman and Robin, but no Alfred.  Sad.  Who will get them tea and sew up their wounds and stuff?  And occasionally let someone into the cave because he wants Bruce to get laid...


Christopher Dilloway said...

I want the McFarlane Batman 66 Batman and Robin but have never seen them in stores and not really looked online for them. That is a neat idea with Alfred to have multiple heads for different versions.

Cindy said...

I wonder about that white face one too. It makes him look evil. Was Alfred a bad guy at one time?


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