Friday, December 24, 2021

My Christmas Gift to You...

My Christmas gift to blog entries the rest of the year!

And now enjoy a cheesy 80s Christmas song that was the basis for Meijer commercials back in 1985 or so.  The full version takes out the mentions of Meijer.  I think it's pretty catchy.

I couldn't find that to buy online, not even on eBay or Mercari.  But as usual I did buy a few XMas albums this year by Rob Thomas (formerly of Matchbox 20), Matt Nathanson, and the Goo Goo Dolls and a compilation of bluegrass XMas songs from 2002.  It was kind of a slow year for buying XMas music; usually I say I won't buy much and end up buying five or six (or more) albums.  I'm not a religious person but I'm a sucker for XMas music.  If it's by artists I regularly listen to (like most of those above) that's even better.

Though a couple of the ones I really enjoyed I actually bought last year.  A couple of comic ones were referenced at the end of Rifftrax Live shows.  One by Jonathan Coulton has some really good original songs that are funny and/or catchy.  The title track "One Christmas at a Time" has a catchy hook while also making light of people overspending and annoying relatives.  "2600" is about a kid's obsession with getting an Atari 2600, presumably in the late 70s or early 80s.  "Chanukah Wikipedia" is literally a reading of the Wikipedia entry on Chanukah (or Hanukah or whatever) to a techno beat.  An EP by the Doubleclicks only has 5 tracks so it's not really long but they're all pretty funny originals.  The title track "Christmas Ain't About Me" is probably more appropriate for my brother than me; as a middle child there was only a narrow window where Christmas would have been about me.  "The End of the World" is pretty funny if you think, "You thought things were bad in 2012?  Yeah, just wait..."

"The Songs the Season Brings" by Beta Radio is more traditional.  I loved Beta Radio's first two normal albums.  If you remember that brief period where Mumford & Sons was popular they're sort of like that, pretty much all acoustic instruments leaning more towards bluegrass than rock.  There are a couple of originals and traditional covers.

The ones I bought this year were all decent, but nothing really, really great.  Still, it's always nice to get some different things for a variety when I'm listening to XMas music.  Next year I have a blog entry that gets into some of the XMas movies I watched and like with the music I like to have a variety.  Anyway...

Happy Holidays!

Happy New Year!

May The Force Be With You!

Live Long & Prosper!

And so it goes...

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I like variety too. There are probably a lot of good Christmas songs that you don't hear on the radio anymore. I haven't watched any Xmas movies this year because I've seen all the usual ones several times. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!


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