Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Action Figures I Would Like: Phoenix

 This is the oldest one on my wishlist.  I've liked the green Phoenix costume since I unlocked it in X-Men Legends back in 2005 or so.  The red Phoenix is neat too, but I would just prefer green.  Anyway, this one is expensive because it's old.  Ironically the even older version made in the 2000s is usually cheaper but the molding is crappier.  I hope they'll come out with a new one.  But in the comics they brought Jean back in her lame "Marvel Girl" outfit, so it might be a while.

Another I probably will never have.  C'set la vie

I did get the old Toybiz version for like $10 loose on eBay, so there's that.  It was one of those times I just bid the bare minimum and surprisingly won.  The same happened with a loose version of that Deadpool/Negasonic Teenage Warhead two-pack I mentioned in another entry.  Sometimes you just have to take a shot.

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