Monday, April 7, 2014

Forever Young

Forever Young is the story of Samantha Young, a 10-year-old girl who wakes up with no memory on an island called Eternity that's stuck in the 17th Century.  The island is populated by other kids who are ruled over by Reverend Crane and his henchman Jonas Pryde.  The reverend employs a strict system known as "The Way" to keep the children in line, all except for Samantha, who finds herself constantly getting into trouble for breaking the rules.  Samantha also begins to remember things and places that are unlike anything the other children have known.  But who is she and where did she come from?

Actually if you want the answers to those, you need to read the fourth and final book, When You Were Young.  But along the way we add pieces to the puzzle about Samantha and her past.  Also we start to fill in the blanks about the island's history and that of people on it.  I can tell you that the island while it's called Eternity is not Purgatory and the children are not already dead.  Me > Lost writers.

One of the main issues for Samantha and a big reason she can't fit in is that her skin is darker than anyone else's on the island.  The mean kids refer to her as a "savage" referring of course to Native Americans.  In truth she's more likely Hispanic, though I never explicitly say one way or the other.

Anyway, there's no sex and only a little violence, so it's one of my few books that's safe for the whole family.

You can get it FREE through Smashwords.  It'd be nice if at some point I could get it to be free on Amazon, which YOU could help with by reporting to Amazon that it's free elsewhere.  I'm just saying.

This and the rest of my books are available at the new Planet 99 Publishing site


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I wish my imagination was as fertile as yours. I'll try to post a GoT blog on Wednesday so you can partake. It's hard to come up with something interesting/useful to say. But I'll give it my all.

Andrew Leon said...

I haven't noticed this one from you before, but I do like the idea of it. Your going to make my list collapse.


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