Friday, November 8, 2019

The Debt Collector

Here's another idea I've had but haven't really done anything with.  It's inspired by working at a debt collection agency and a lot of cheap straight-to-Redbox action movies featuring Bruce Willis or Nicolas Cage.
So the idea is there's a guy I'll call Frank after Frank Castle, the Punisher.  (And maybe Frank Grillo, who'd be good to star in a movie version.)  Frank works at a debt collection agency after a couple of tours in the Marines.  He's had some PTSD issues that cost him his wife and kid and home all that.

One day Frank is answering the phones when he gets a call from a lady we'll call Eve, like Adam and Eve or whatever.  Eve pleads with him that she needs more time to pay because she has issues and needs to fix stuff around the house and so on and so on.  Frank can't officially do anything for her, but he's moved to go to her house and help her with some repairs and stuff.

Frank and Eve are hitting it off, as are Frank and Eve's kid.  Frank feels like his life is finally coming back together.  But then some Russian gangster or whatever has his thugs raid the house to take the kid to hold for ransom.  Frank tries to stop them but they take him by surprise and knock him out.

When Frank wakes up, Eve confesses that her ex-husband has money--and some shady connections.  They go to see him but he's an asshole who doesn't really care about the kid.  Not enough to pay the ransom.

So it falls to Frank to take on the gangsters and get the kid back.  Which he'd do in a violent, gory way until he kills the main gangster.  And then probably beats the shit out of the ex-husband too.  Or maybe we can arrange it so he gets killed too.

Frank, Eve, and the kid then go off to live their best life.  Hooray!

I came really close to starting this one time but then I saw some straight-to-Redbox movie with the same title, though I think the concept was probably not extremely similar.  It's about mob collectors, not regular ones.

1 comment:

Maurice Mitchell said...

I really like it. Kind of like Equalizer meets Taken. I’d read that book and wait for the major motion picture starring Tom Hanks.


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