Friday, April 30, 2021

A to Z Challenge: Zs

 Sometimes Z is hard to find something for, but with Star Wars figures there are actually 3 Z figures!

First there's Zeb (aka Garazeb Orrelios) from Star Wars Rebels.  Zeb was the big tough alien whose people seemed to be almost extinct.  At the end he's able to help find a new home for those who are left.

Then there's Zorii Bliss from Rise of Skywalker.  She was Poe's friend who was sort of a bounty hunter or Spice runner or something.  She was played by Keri Russell of Felicity and The Americans fame.

And then there's Zuckuss, who was one of the bounty hunters from The Empire Strikes Back...apparently.  He's one of those where you shake your head and wonder why he has a figure and other characters don't.  How do they decide this shit?  His mask makes me think of one of those tardigrade things.

So there you go, that's the last Z.  And the end of the "Challenge" which I largely half-assed.  Thanks to everyone who commented--most of whom I'll never hear from again.

Until next year...?  I really don't know or care.


Christopher Dilloway said... does look like a tardigrade a bit lol.

It's fun that Star Wars has so many weird names that it's pretty easy to cover most of the hard letters J, K, Q, U, X, Y, and Z. Maybe next year half-ass another Star Wars list, but the old 3 3/4" ones we had as kids...could even have a special entry for all those poor headless ones we had lol

Timothy S. Brannan said...

First, Congratulations on completing the A to Z Challenge!

Second. Yeah Zuckuss. He was there in Empire and I remember wanting to know EVERYTHING about every bounty hunter there. When he originally came out they mixed him up with 4LOM. Similar looking heads I guess.

Iain Kelly said...

Well done on finishing, I've enjoyed your tour through the Star Wars figures and characters. Got to say though, the last couple of lines are a bit lousy, man.

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

Well, I did enjoy the walk down Star Wars memory lane. I hope you enjoyed it more than you sound like you did?
Black and White: Z for Zerzura

Cindy said...

Oh, you do SO care. That's why you do this challenge every year. This was a good one. I actually know about many of the characters.


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