Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A to Z Challenge: Cyborg

 Until the New 52 in 2011, Cyborg was pretty much just a member of the Teen Titans.  With the New 52 he "graduated" to the Justice League.  The movie--both cuts--uses pretty much the original New 52 roster except for Green Lantern.  

The upshot being there were DC Multiverse figures of Cyborg for the movie.  Two of them really:  one with a Vic Stone face and one with just a robot face.  Unfortunately the Walmart near me had the robot face one on clearance, probably because it was an exclusive to them and no one wanted it. 

I bought it but then I saw they also had a movie version one on clearance for only $5 or so.  Then appropriately I did a little surgery to transplant the human-ish head of the movie figure onto the body of the other one.  The body of the movie figure I put a movie Barry Allen head on for no real reason except it fit on the peg.

So my Cyborg looks a little weird, but at least he doesn't have a stupid robot face:

McFarlane made a couple of versions for the Snyder Cut too but they're pretty much the same, just bigger and a little better detail.  They haven't made any for his version on the Doom Patrol show or the old Teen Titans comics, but they did make one for the animated Teen Titans.



C. D. Gallant-King said...

Ezra Miller's face looks weird on any body. 😄

C is for Contrast

Maurice Mitchell said...

Those figures look pretty cool. Its too bad that Cyborg didn't become more popular from the movies. I'm not a Snyder fan but that's a missed opportunity. The comics really give him depth and history. Maybe James Gunn will have more success.


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