Saturday, April 8, 2023

A to Z Challenge: Green Lanterns

 Like the Flash, Green Lantern first appeared in the 1940s, though that was Alan Scott and his lantern wasn't like the later ones.  Hal Jordan starred in the Silver Age reboot in the 50s, which also started to bring in the stuff we think of today like the Guardians of the planet Oa and all the various sectors with aliens in them.

I'm pretty sure I had an old Hal Jordan Green Lantern figure from the Super Powers line back in the 1980s.  As I mentioned a while back, in 2013 I bought a bigger version of Hal Jordan from a Meijer (I think):

In 2021 I got a Mattel DC Multiverse figure of John Stewart, the Green Lantern after Hal Jordan from eBay:

McFarlane made an animated series one, but it was too cartoony for me.  Later they came out with a real one, but I already had the other one so there didn't seem any point in spending money on it.

For some reason they've only made a Hal Jordan one in a two-pack with "Dawnbreaker," aka evil Batman with a Green Lantern ring.:

Mattel also made a Kyle Rayner figure I would like someday if I could get it at a good price:

McFarlane came out with a Kyle Rayner that's in this weird lime green outfit:

I hope they recolor that into a White Lantern like he was in Tom King's Omega Men series.  I'd actually want that.

And Mattel did a Jessica Cruz one, she being one of the most recent human Green Lanterns:

For some weird reason there isn't a Guy Gardner or Simon Baz figure that I know of, though the former they might have made in the old days.

I also have a smaller Kilowog figure from the 2011 movie:

He hangs out with my stuffed Pumbaas.  He's their favorite superhero because he's a piggy too--only with a ring that lets him fly through space and stuff.

(I really wish they would make a real Kilowog figure but the only other one they've made was a Build-A-Figure back around the time of that Hal Jordan figure I got so it's really expensive on auction sites.)


C. D. Gallant-King said...

Kyle is my favourite Green Lantern. I would love to know why he's that awful puke colour, though. 😨

G is for Games Workshop

PT Dilloway said...

My only guess is that the lime green is supposed to represent it glowing green, sort of like Grogu's head on my icon.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

What?? No Guy Gardner figure?
I am kidding. Mostly.
Tim Brannan, The Other Side, The A to Z of Doctor Who


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