Friday, April 21, 2023

A to Z Challenge: Robins

 Over the years there have been several Robins.  Dick Grayson was Robin the longest, from 1940 until the early 80s when he formed the Teen Titans as Nightwing.  Then came the ill-fated Jason Todd until his death in 1988 or so.  Then a few years later there was Tim Drake, who was still Robin when Batman's son Damian Wayne showed up in the 2000s.  Tim became Red Robin while Damian became Robin.  And there have been a few other Robins like the one from The Dark Knight Returns, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and maybe some others I've forgotten about.

And naturally there are action figures for some of these.  I don't have a Dick Grayson one.  I did buy the McFarlane one from Batman '66 but I gave it to my brother for Christmas along with Batman.  There was only 1 in stock at the time on and I haven't bought another one since:

This month, McFarlane is supposed to be shipping a regular Dick Grayson Robin, but as you can see it's a "Gold Label" and already sold out, so good luck getting one on the secondary market for a reasonable price.

I also have Carrie or whatever her name is from The Dark Knight Returns that I got on sale a while back from Meijer in Wixom.  This is the Mattel version but McFarlane made a version too that would be slightly bigger:

I did get the Damian Wayne figure for pretty cheap from  He's a little weird in that he's scaled for the McFarlane figures so even though he's small for them, he's almost the same size as the Mattel figures:

They make a Duke Thomas one but I never got around to buying it, though it's not horribly expensive yet:

There's a Red Robin or two as well:

Holy Redbreasts, that's a lot of Robins, Batman!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Red Robin was always cool.
I can only imagine how much the Grayson one will go for since it's sold out.

C. D. Gallant-King said...

Batman literally has an army of teens and young adults following him around. Between the Robins and Batgirls/Batwomen and all the other spinoffs (Dark Wing? Bat Wing? The guy with the ironman-like batsuit), Bruce Wayne is like a one-man child welfare services. Probably has a lower mortality rate than the regular Gotham social services.

Arion said...

I'm familiar with all of them except for the black Robin

Cindy said...

I like the adult Robin with the long red wings the best.

PT Dilloway said...

The Duke Thomas Robin wasn't around very long. I think he was mostly around during that brief period Gordon was BatRoboCop. Lately Duke has been "the Signal," which is part of another entry.


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