Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A to Z Challenge: Palmer, Ray

In comics and on TV, Ray Palmer was the Atom, who is basically DC's version of Ant-Man in that he has the power to change his size.  

I technically have three figures of him.  One is a normal-sized version seen in Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, played by Brandon Routh:

I got it for pretty cheap on Amazon a few years ago.  It comes with a tiny version of the figure so you can pretend like he's shrinking down

As I mentioned before, another tiny version of the Atom came in the DK2 version of the Flash.  The costume is more comics-accurate.

I don't have a normal one, but there was one a while back in the early 2010s or so:

McFarlane did finally make an Atom, but it's Ryan Choi not Ray Palmer:

I guess that's something.  At least it's not another Batman figure.

1 comment:

C. D. Gallant-King said...

I always found the Atom so boring. I mean, he's basically the same character as Ant-Man, which the MCU has made interesting I guess, but Ray Palmer just doesn't do it for me.


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