Wednesday, April 12, 2023

A to Z Challenge: J'onn Jonnz

For J I suppose the obvious one would be the Joker, but I don't really like him.  I do have a couple of figures, mostly for the sake of completion.  I mean, if you have a bunch of Batman figures and a Harley Quinn you should have at least one Joker, right?  But otherwise it's a character that's never done much for me, no matter how some authors insist on how essential he is to the Batman mythos.

Anyway, J'onn Jonnz is the Martian name of Martian Manhunter.  I think the origin is in the original comic he appeared in, House of Mystery or something like that, his secret identity was a human named John Johns and so then they created a Martian name to go with it.  Or something like that.  Feel free to correct me because I'm too lazy to look it up.

Anyway, there are some older Martian Manhunter figures but the one I have is the Mattel one from the Supergirl TV show that I got on clearance at the Walmart in Howell.  Mine is a little messed up because when I was getting him out of the box, his cape broke off!  I've tried glue and tape but it doesn't stay on all that well:

There is also a more recent McFarlane version from the comics:

There's also a Target Exclusive one that's more of the old school comics version:

I don't think they've made one from his brief and unnecessary cameo in the Snyder Cut.  I would really love it if they made a figure of his "niece" Ms. Martian from Young Justice.  If it's a version with hair I could add it to my legion of redheaded female superheroes. 


Timothy S. Brannan said...

J'ohn is great. Now I have to see your "Redheaded League!"

C. D. Gallant-King said...

I've never been a fan of Martian Manhunter, but I admit I know nothing of his backstory. But he doesn't exactly make me want to learn his backstory, either.

K is for Kolinsky Sable Brushes


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