Friday, April 15, 2022

A to Z Challenge: Miles Morales

 In the comics, Miles Morales was introduced in the Ultimate Spider-Man like 15 years ago when the Peter Parker of that universe was killed off.  Miles got bit by the same spider or a similar spider and also got spider powers, though he has some slightly different ones like he can electrify webs.

When Marvel decided to roll all of its universes together in Secret Wars II (which was totally NOT a reboot, lol) Miles was one of the characters who survived the destruction of his universe.  He's had his own series and shown up in other series.

For whatever reasons (cough, racism, cough) Sony refuses to make a movie with a live action Miles, but they did make an animated version in Into the Spider-Verse.  It used a lot of the Ultimate backstory for Miles and mixed with the Spider-Verse series of comics that added a whole multiverse of Spider-People.

And so as I mentioned in the G entry, I got a two-pack of figures that features Miles and Spider-Gwen.  It was only like $12.50 from Target in Hartland, so that was less than one figure would normally cost.  The Miles figure has some extra hands and a regular head along with the Spidey head.  The costume is pretty much the final one he wears in the movie, with the more homemade logo than in the comics.

Like with Gwen, I have him sort of hanging by my shelves like he's swinging from a web.  Yee-hah!

They have made a couple of other figures like one that's a normal comic book version and an exclusive one from the Miles Morales video game:

And there's an individual one from the Into the Spider-Verse movie that has weird-looking legs:

There's another one too that will be part of the V entry...


Cindy said...

All these Spidermans are hard to keep up with. Whew...but Miles should've had his own movie for sure.

betty said...

My grandson is a big fan of Miles Morales. He knows all the Spiderman characters and has a lot of them as action figures!



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