Saturday, April 16, 2022

A to Z Challenge: Nico Minoru

 I had this one in the "Action Figures I Like" back in 2020, but I didn't know her name.  So for this I went and Googled "Marvel Legends Goth Girl" and images of the figure came up with the name Nico Minoru.

The funny thing is, when I saw some of the images of the packaging, I can see why I didn't remember her name.  Her name isn't even on the front of the box!  It's only shown on the back.  It's kind of bizarre to market a figure like that.  Maybe that's why she was on clearance at Walmart in Walled Lake.

As I said before, I like the Goth girl look but she doesn't stand very well and that staff with the purple stuff that attaches to it doesn't really go in her hand very well.  I guess that extra arm is supposed to be mystical or something.

I'm sure she's in comics, but I don't really know which ones.  And why should I:  I just found out her name!

But my Blogger buddy Arion mentioned her being in this LGBTQ+ compilation from last year.  I guess she was part of the Runaways series, which I think had a show on FreeForm for a season or two or maybe three; I never watched it.


Cindy said...

I never saw her before, but the detail is good on this one.

Dino said...

It's always good to learn of more female super heroes

Stopping by on the A2Z to say "Hi"

All the best for the rest of the challenge


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