Wednesday, April 20, 2022

A to Z Challenge: Quill, Peter

 There aren't many figures for Q.  Three characters that could fit are Quicksilver, Quasar, and Quake, but they don't seem to have any recent figures for any of them. Since I obviously have an "S" already, and I had something for "P," even if it sucked, why not fudge a little bit and put Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, as my Q entry?  I think he would approve.

The Quill I have is from the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie.  I got him for $6 on clearance from Target along with the "Cosmic" Iron Man.  

Later I could have got a two-pack with Peter and his dad Ego from the second movie for $12.50.  That figure had a little more Chris Pratt-looking head and different coat and T-shirt, but I'm not a big Star-Lord fan so one copy of the figure was enough for me and I really didn't feel like spending $12.50 on an old Kurt Russell figure.

They haven't apparently made any 6-inch versions from the comics before the movies, which tells you how popular he was until the movie.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

They gambled going with a lesser known comic for the movie but it certainly paid off. That first figure has nice detail work on the jacket.

Cindy said...

Way to snap up those bargains.


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